Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi has claimed that the PlayStation 3 will run games at an unprecedented (and perhaps rather pointless) 120 frames per second.

Also report the framerate said monitor says it’s running at. If it doesn’t, post your complete computer specs (IE what graphics card, what processor, how much RAM, do you have a dedicated sound card), as well as test to make sure it’s actually frame loss through using some form of fps monitor (the free version of fraps for example). I am running Windows 10, I’ve heard there’s quite a few compatibility issues involving older games, and I think this is what might be happening. The Fallout 3 Fixer has been linked to on numerous guides and videos supposed to help fix the issue. It’s entirely possible that your processor is too slow. Anywho, try the other stuff I listed, and then report back. You’d be looking at low resolution (maybe 1024×768 at best) and minimum graphics with that weak of a card, and unless bethesda severely high-balled the requirements, even then you would barely be breaking 30 frames. But, when you do that, everything in the game moves at a speed proportional to your frame rate. The only way to truly turn it off is to edit the ini and set iPresentInterval to 0. You’ll notice that normally Fallout 3 will cap the FPS at 60 even if you turn off vsync - even if you force vsync off in your video driver. Puppies! Approach How does the frame rate work in Fallout 3? Exploits are “holes” in the game programming which allow a player to do something which the developers did not intend and which alter the balance of the game in a way that benefits the player. Videos should not be included unless the exploit cannot be explained without one. Why are exploits not allowed in Fallout 3?